Reading habits & Readabits

I found two tags online (though I have no idea who originally started it, so if you do then give me a shout!) and realised I should have done this ages ago. Seriously, How could I be writing a book blog when I haven't discussed my own reading habits yet?!
bad blogger points!

So here we go! I'm doing the reading habits and readabits tag.

Reading Habits
1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
The most frequent places I read are my bed and on public transport. Those are the two places I get the most reading done. And if it aren't those two then any soft and comfortable surface would do.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Let's say that I used to use paper more but now that I have a growing collection of beautiful bookmarks alongside my growing pile of TBR books, I am using actual book marks more and more.

But they have to fit the book, because I don't like it when they get damaged because they stick out of the book.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?
This also depends. I prefer stopping after a chapter and I always try my very best to do so. But whenever I'm reading on the bus/tram it becomes a little bit difficult sometimes, especially if the end of the chapter is still very far away and my upcoming stop isn't. Then it's a matter of stopping where I can, preferably at a paragraph or page ending.

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
Eat, Drink, Dance, Walk, anything that I could do without it distracting me too much from the story.

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?

Obviously not TV and music at the same time and reading on top of it. Though I'm not saying I'm not guilty of doing that on occasion.

But I quite often am reading while my music is playing or the tv is on.

6. One book at a time or several at once?
I tend to stick with one book at the time.
I've had a few times where the review deadline of another book started to creep up on me and then I ended up reading two at once. If I do read several at once, I try to make a clear distinction between the books: different genre or different book format.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

8. Reading out lout or silently in your head?
Silently! When I read out loud I tend to forget what I read.

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
I sometimes read ahead a little, skimming the text. I do this whenever I have to stop reading but had just ended up at a little cliff hanger. I need it to suss my mind then.
Rarely skip pages. Though I did use to have the habit of reading the last line before I started a book. I stopped doing that now.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
Keeping it new! It breaks my heart too much to break the spine. The amount of angles I have to get myself just to keep the spine as intact as I can is free exercise.

11. Do you write in your books?
I've only done once and that was because there was a bit of the conversation held in a foreign language (Hungarian or something like that) and I put in pencil the translation next to it.

1. When do you find yourself reading? Morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you get the chance or all the time?
Whenever I get the chance. It also depends on how hooked I am on the book.

2. What is your best setting to read in?
In the quiet of my own room, or outside in a park/garden enjoying some of the sunlight.

3. What do you do first – Read or Watch?
Read. Always read.

4. What form do you prefer? Audiobook, E-book or physical book?
I did a blog post about this not that long ago: here
Physical is still my favourite one. But I am slowly experiencing some of the pros that come with e-reading.

5. Do you have a unique habit when you read?
Whenever I start a new book, the first thing I read is the acknowledgements page.

6. Do book series have to match?
I'd prefer them to match, though I think I could live with it if they didn't.
Oh, who am I kidding, it'd be constantly bugging me whenever I saw them.
