Summer At Rose Island: First Chapter
I'm ecstatic to be in another Holly Martin book tour. They're always such a blast!
This time we're headed back to White Cliff Bay and meeting up with new and old characters.
I'm not going to give away too much just yet (I mean, aside from sharing the first chapter) but I feel like everyone's going to love this one ^^
Fall in love with the gorgeous seaside town of White Cliff Bay this summer and enjoy long sunny days, beautiful beaches and… a little romance.
Darcy Davenport is ready for a fresh start. Determined to leave a string of disastrous jobs and relationships behind her, she can’t wait to explore White Cliff Bay and meet the locals.
When Darcy swims in the crystal clear waters of the bay, she discovers the charming Rose Island Lighthouse. But it’s not just the beautiful building that she finds so intriguing…
Riley Eddison doesn’t want change. Desperate to escape the memories of his past, he lives a life of solitude in the lighthouse. Yet he can’t help but notice the gorgeous woman who swims out to his island one day.
Darcy is drawn to the mysterious and sexy Riley, but when it seems the town is trying to demolish his home, she soon finds herself having to pick sides.
She’s fallen in love with White Cliff Bay. But is that all Darcy’s fallen for?
Pull up a deck chair, sink back with a bowl of strawberry ice cream and pick up the summer read you won’t be able to put down.
About The Author

Holly has been writing for six years. She was shortlisted for the New Talent Award at the Festival of Romance. Her short story won the Sunlounger competition and was published in the Sunlounger anthology. She won the Carina Valentine's competition at the Festival of Romance 2013 with her novel The Guestbook. She was shortlisted for Best Romantic Read, Best eBook and Innovation in Romantic Fiction at the Festival of Romance 2014. Holly lives in Bedfordshire.
Amazon Page
Can't wait to find out more?
Here's the first chapter of this beautiful story!
Find our different reviews during the book tour.
This time we're headed back to White Cliff Bay and meeting up with new and old characters.
I'm not going to give away too much just yet (I mean, aside from sharing the first chapter) but I feel like everyone's going to love this one ^^
Fall in love with the gorgeous seaside town of White Cliff Bay this summer and enjoy long sunny days, beautiful beaches and… a little romance.
Darcy Davenport is ready for a fresh start. Determined to leave a string of disastrous jobs and relationships behind her, she can’t wait to explore White Cliff Bay and meet the locals.
When Darcy swims in the crystal clear waters of the bay, she discovers the charming Rose Island Lighthouse. But it’s not just the beautiful building that she finds so intriguing…
Riley Eddison doesn’t want change. Desperate to escape the memories of his past, he lives a life of solitude in the lighthouse. Yet he can’t help but notice the gorgeous woman who swims out to his island one day.
Darcy is drawn to the mysterious and sexy Riley, but when it seems the town is trying to demolish his home, she soon finds herself having to pick sides.
She’s fallen in love with White Cliff Bay. But is that all Darcy’s fallen for?
Pull up a deck chair, sink back with a bowl of strawberry ice cream and pick up the summer read you won’t be able to put down.
About The Author

Holly has been writing for six years. She was shortlisted for the New Talent Award at the Festival of Romance. Her short story won the Sunlounger competition and was published in the Sunlounger anthology. She won the Carina Valentine's competition at the Festival of Romance 2013 with her novel The Guestbook. She was shortlisted for Best Romantic Read, Best eBook and Innovation in Romantic Fiction at the Festival of Romance 2014. Holly lives in Bedfordshire.
Amazon Page
Can't wait to find out more?
Here's the first chapter of this beautiful story!
Chapter 1
An endless world of blue stretched out
below Darcy. The sandy seabed lay about ten metres beneath her and she smiled
as she saw fish of every colour and size swimming lazily between the rocks and
seaweed. Starfish and sunstars littered the seabed, and with the sun’s rays
penetrating the water and gently caressing their outstretched arms, it was as
if they were sunbathing on a tourist-filled beach. Giant stalks of seaweed
moved and swayed gently as if they were trees caught in a breeze rather than
the constant roll of the waves and the tide. There was something so tranquil
and serene about this underwater vista, she could look at it for hours and
never get bored.
The fish didn’t have jobs to worry about
or bills to pay and she was pretty sure that the starfish didn’t have parents
to try to please – or, as in her case, constantly disappoint. Life continued
here as it always did, an almost worry-free existence where the only dark cloud
was when something bigger than you was looking for something to eat.
As she bobbed on top of the waves, her
head face down in the water, Darcy could pretend, just for a minute or two,
that she was part of this world. A tiny fish in a big pond.
She rolled onto her back and took a deep
breath of salty, tangy sea air. The sun shone down on her, glinting off the
droplets on her goggles. As the waves lapped over her fingers, she felt a sense
of contentment fill her almost like a great sigh of relief. Although she had
been in the town only a few hours, she knew that moving from London to White
Cliff Bay was the best decision she had ever made.
Her love for the sea had been with her as
far back as she could remember, but it was here in White Cliff Bay on many
childhood holidays staying with her aunt that her love had blossomed. Swimming
in the sea every day, she spent her evenings reading every non-fiction book
about the water and its wildlife she could get her hands on. Her aunt had taken
her scuba diving when she was twelve, opening up a whole other world she had
never known before. The sea was in her blood. Coming back here felt like coming
A bark nearby disturbed her tranquil
reverie and she moved so she was treading water, rather than floating, and
looked around.
Her beautiful black Labrador, Ben, had
come back for her, clearly wondering why she was just floating there, staring
at the sky rather than swimming. He shoved his wet nose in her face and, happy
that she was OK, he turned and swam off in the direction of the island. Darcy
laughed and swam after him.
As Darcy reached the rocks surrounding
Rose Island Lighthouse, Ben swam on ahead. He pulled himself out of the water,
turned round and started barking at Darcy to hurry up. The sea birds nestled on
the rocks took off in a grey cloud, squawking their annoyance at the evil, black
dog. Ben clambered over the rocks, wagging his tail as he chased the last few
birds away.
‘Leave them be,’ Darcy laughed as she
climbed out onto the rocks beside him; she pulled him towards her and tugged
playfully on his silky ears. He sat down on her so she could continue her
stroking more thoroughly.
‘Oof! Ben, you are not a lap-sized dog.
You do not fit on my lap. Do you think you’re a Chihuahua or something? You’re
a Labrador and a fat one at that, get off,’ Darcy moaned, half-heartedly trying
to push Ben off her. He continued to sit on her lap, wagging his tail in her
Darcy pulled her goggles onto her forehead
and looked over the golden-crested waves at the tiny town of White Cliff Bay.
The late afternoon sun was just starting to make its descent, painting the sky
a candyfloss pink. From her position on Rose Island, about three hundred yards
out into the bay, she could see almost the whole town in all its glory. The
quieter part of Silver Cove, where she now lived, the main shops and the hodgepodge
of cute little houses that cascaded down the steep hills of the main town
centre. She smiled. She knew she was going to be happy here. Despite her
parents’ misgivings and looks of disapproval when she told them she was packing
up all her worldly goods and travelling hundreds of miles from her home to take
up a new job, she knew she had made the right decision. It didn’t matter that
she didn’t completely know what her new job entailed or that she knew no one
down here, this gorgeous little town was going to be a great new chapter in her
Everything seemed slower here, more
laid-back and relaxed; it felt cleaner, safer, but despite this her parents
couldn’t understand why Darcy had wanted to leave London, with its high-powered
jobs, multi-billion-pound companies, and the prestige of living and working in
the capital. She didn’t want restaurants that stayed open until after midnight
or the constant hum of traffic and voices that never seemed to stop, no matter
what time of day it was. Since she had lost her perfect job a few years before,
and moved back to London with her dreams in tatters, she had felt almost
claustrophobic, as if the buildings were too close. She had been a face in the
crowd that no one cared about. The city had slowly chipped away at her soul
until she was no more than another suited drone heading off to work every day.
Here it felt like she could finally breathe again.
Part of the problem with her relocation
had been her choice of White Cliff Bay itself. A place that was entirely to blame,
at least as far as her parents were concerned, for her aunt’s spectacular
drop-out from society. Aunt Ginny had been a highly paid solicitor in the City
until she had sold her house, bought an old-fashioned horse-drawn gypsy caravan
to live in, and spent the rest of her life living off the sale of the odd
painting and homemade jars of jam and apple sauce. She had always been spoken
about in hushed tones, if she was spoken about at all, and Darcy strongly
suspected she was going to end up that way too. She couldn’t help smiling at
the thought.
She leaned back to look at the lighthouse,
the sun glinting off the glass at the top. It was a beautiful, old building,
painted in traditional red and white colours, with the multi-faceted lantern at
the top. She had always enjoyed swimming in the sea, but this had to be the
most picturesque swim she had done in a long time. The lighthouse had been
deserted for many years; certainly when she had swum round the island as a
child no one had ever lived there. New-fangled technology meant the days of the
lighthouse keeper were a thing of the past. So her heart leapt from shock when
her eyes cast down the tall tower and she saw a man standing at one of the
windows watching her and Ben.
He was wearing a faded blue crumpled shirt
hanging loose over dark jeans. His black hair was equally messy in an unkempt
just-got-out-bed look. The man’s tanned arms were folded angrily over his
chest. Easily reaching the top of the leaded windows that were flung open
either side, the man’s height seemed to add to the anger he was projecting. She
supposed he was quite good looking, if you liked the tall, dark, mean and moody
Darcy suddenly became aware of the first
impression she was making on him. In her skin-tight, show-every-lump-and-bump
wetsuit, with her long red hair matted against her head and today’s make-up
smeared across her face like a Picasso painting gone wrong, she was a sight to
behold. She stood up, tipping Ben off her lap as she did so, then belatedly
realised she was showing her body in its full glory; at least sitting down Ben
had been covering her modesty.
‘Great. What a brilliant view of my wobbly
bits he’s getting right now,’ Darcy muttered, sucking in her belly and wringing
out her hair.
The man started shouting at her. Gesturing
with his hands, he pointed at the sea, then her and then Ben. Whatever he was
yelling – furiously, it would seem – was lost in the sound of the wind and the
waves crashing against the rocks.
‘Hi, nice to meet you, would you like to
come in for a cup of hot chocolate and some great sex?’ Darcy mumbled under her
breath. ‘I’m sure that’s what he’s saying. That and: Great body, by the way. No
one looks good in a wetsuit but somehow you manage to pull it off. How about
that great sex?’
Mystery Man continued to shout and then,
getting frustrated at not being heard, he left the window, no doubt on his way
downstairs to yell at her face to face.
‘Time to go, Ben,’ Darcy said, climbing
down the rocks. She turned to make sure Ben got down OK. As Ben drew level with
her, she took one last look at the lighthouse to see that Mystery Man had
arrived at the door, still shouting. She pulled her goggles over her eyes and
dived into the sea. The water closed in over her head and seconds later she
felt Ben beside her. Darcy surfaced about ten metres from the rocks and looked
back at Mystery Man, who was continuing to yell at her from the shore.
‘Sorry, can’t hear you,’ Darcy shouted and
then, confident he couldn’t possibly hear her, she added, ‘But I’ll be back
soon for that great sex.’
Mystery Man looked momentarily confused
and stopped shouting for a second before continuing his tirade. Darcy turned
and swam back to the shore.
As she clambered out onto the beach, she
looked back across the bay to the lighthouse. He was still standing there
watching her. She grabbed the bag she had left by some rocks, pulled out a
towel, patted herself dry. Dragging her T-shirt over her wetsuit, she then
pulled another towel out to dry Ben. As she flipped Ben over onto his back to
dry his belly, Ben’s favourite bit to have dried, she could still feel Mystery
Man’s eyes on her. She stood up and, sure enough, he was still standing there,
as the waves crashed theatrically onto the rocks around him.
She turned away and looked down at her
wetsuit and sighed. It wasn’t the greatest first impression. She had
inadvertently done something to upset him too, and that certainly hadn’t been
her intention.
She walked back to Sea View Court, the old
house at the end of the beach that had been converted into four flats.
She let herself in and Ben ran on ahead of
her, but she stopped suddenly when she heard a noise from the flat opposite
She had briefly seen her new neighbours
when she’d been unpacking the last of her belongings from her car earlier that
day. A young married couple, they had introduced themselves as Libby and
George, but Libby had seemed so tearful that George had quickly ushered her
into their flat and closed the door behind them.
She listened now and heard a crash, as if
something had been thrown and smashed. It was quickly followed by a loud thud
and a cry of pain. She heard George shout something and then another thud, and
another moan from Libby that made Darcy’s heart crash into her stomach.
God, he was beating her up. She felt sick.
As another wail of pain resounded from the flat, she marched straight up to the
door and banged on it with her fist. The door flew open under her weight and
she stormed in.
She froze at what she saw. Libby and
George were stark naked and she was clinging to him, her arms and legs wrapped
around him as he made love to her against the wall of their flat. Her head was
thrown back in obvious ecstasy as he kissed her breasts.
Shit. She couldn’t have got it more wrong.
They hadn’t noticed her yet, too wrapped
up in each other to be aware of anything else. She could just sneak out and
they would be none the wiser. But, as she took a step back towards the door,
Ben burst in and before she could grab him he launched himself at George’s bare
backside, shoving his wet, cold nose up where the sun didn’t shine.
George let out a scream of shock and
looked around to see what it was that had attacked him so inappropriately. If
Darcy had thought she could get away without being seen, she’d been sorely
mistaken, as first George’s eyes then Libby’s found hers.
For the longest moment, nobody moved or
said anything, George still pinning Libby to the wall with his weight. There
was only one way to get out of this with any shred of dignity left intact.
Darcy was going to have to brazen this out.
‘I just came round to borrow some sugar. I
probably have some somewhere in one of the many boxes but I thought you might
have some . . . I can see this isn’t the best time.’ This was a terrible excuse
and they all knew it. Libby stifled a giggle as she buried her face in her
husband’s neck. ‘The door just came open when I knocked on it. I’m not a
pervert or anything.’ Her feet frozen to the ground seemed to contradict that
statement, as she continued to stare at them in horror. Oh God, what was she
doing? She should have just apologised and left, grabbing her perverted dog on
the way out.
George didn’t say anything. Probably
wondering why she was still standing there. She was wondering that herself.
‘Erm . . . There’s sugar in the kitchen if
you want to help yourself. I, erm . . . have my hands full or I’d get it for
you myself,’ George said, as Libby’s giggling went up an octave.
‘Right, well. Maybe I’ll pop by later and
get it if I don’t find my own before then. Carry on. I mean . . .’ She gestured
lamely to the door and George nodded numbly.
She grabbed Ben by the collar and walked
out, quickly closing the door on Libby’s laughter a moment later.
Wow. She was really going all out to make
a good impression on the residents of White Cliff Bay today.
She scurried back to her own flat, to see
she had a text from her best friend Carmel.
Darcy smiled. Carmel had married her
childhood sweetheart and though she was blissfully happy she always said she’d
missed out on the dating scene and had to live her life vicariously through
She considered carefully how to answer.
Was Mystery Man hot? Of course he was, anyone could see that, but he certainly
wasn’t worth mentioning when he was obviously a grumpy hermit.
She opened up a new text to reply.
found the kettle, though I haven’t looked. Just been for a swim. It’s so pretty
here. No hot single men. Though I did just see a man naked.
The reply was instant.
Was he fit? Did you see his willy? Why was he naked? Have you moved to a nudist
beach? I want pictures!!
Darcy laughed.
it’s not a nudist beach. I just walked in on my neighbours having sex. Very
The phone beeped back at her almost
only you Darcy, only you.
She smiled and put the phone down. She had
some unpacking to do.
There was a knock on her door a while
later, just as Darcy was hanging a large photo of a beautiful hammerhead shark
on her wall.
She went to answer it, only to find Libby
standing on her doorstep with a bunch of flowers in one hand and a bag of sugar
in the other.
Darcy blushed and laughed, stepping back
to let her in. ‘Can I get you a . . . tea?’ She looked around hopelessly at all
the boxes, one of which housed the kettle and another that probably held the
coffee and teabags. ‘Or a glass of juice?’
Libby smiled. ‘Juice would be great.’
Darcy moved to the kitchen and Libby
followed her. Darcy really did owe her an explanation for earlier.
‘I’m so sorry about before. I thought
George was beating you up. I heard thuds and groans and, coupled with seeing
you so upset earlier, I jumped to the wrong conclusion.’
Libby’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. ‘Is
that why you came bursting in? Ha. George hasn’t got a mean bone in his body. I
was upset before because . . . Well, I’m pregnant and everything is making me
cry lately. Yesterday George bought some fresh bread from the shops because I
wanted beans on toast and I wailed for over half an hour because he’d brought
the wrong type of bread.’
Darcy laughed. ‘Oh no. How does George
cope with all the tears?’
‘He’s amazing. I married my best friend
and when I cry he just holds me until the tears pass. I’m sure the tears must
be so frustrating for him, but he seems to have endless patience for it all. I
really am incredibly lucky. Do you have a boyfriend, Darcy?’
Darcy shook her head. ‘No, the last few
men I dated were from work, and when the jobs came to an end, the relationships
seemed to as well.’
‘Well, there are lots of lovely men who
live in White Cliff Bay. Are you staying here long?’
Darcy noticed Libby looking hungrily at a
packet of doughnuts she had bought from the shops that morning. She offered her
the packet and Libby gratefully took one.
‘I have a new job down here, so I hope
I’ll be staying for a long time.’
‘Oh how lovely, what is it you’ll be
doing?’ Libby asked, through a mouthful of doughnut.
‘I’ll be working for the local council.
The office is in Apple Hill but it covers the areas of White Cliff Bay and Port
Cardinal too. You’re looking at the new Community Development Liaison Manager,’
Darcy said, proudly.
‘Ooh, that sounds like a fancy title, what
does that involve?’
Darcy hesitated for a moment. ‘Honestly, I
have no idea. The job description was very woolly. I somehow bluffed my way
through the whole interview and miraculously got offered the job. I know it’s
something about working with the community on new local projects. I’m very
excited. I love meeting new people, so it sounded right up my street.’
She’d told anyone who would listen how
excited she was about her new job. It wasn’t true, but if she kept repeating it
then she hoped she would start to believe it.
‘Sounds fab. When do you start?’
‘Ten days. A week on Monday.’ Darcy poured
out two glasses of juice.
‘And was it just the job that brought you
to White Cliff Bay or do you have friends down here?’
Darcy paused as she thought about how to
answer that. She could at least partly tell the truth.
‘It was the sea, mainly. I love it. I used
to be a marine biologist and though that chapter of my life is over, I still
want to be by the sea. I used to holiday in White Cliff Bay as a child and I
always wanted to live down here. Life seems to have held me back from
fulfilling my dreams, but I’m here now.’
Libby cocked her head slightly as if she
knew Darcy wasn’t telling the whole story.
Darcy sighed. ‘My parents are . . .
difficult. When I lost my last job, I ended up living with them while I was
searching for a new job. It was hell. The looks of disappointment, the little
comments about how I’d let them down. I couldn’t bear it. They’ve been like it
all my life but I’ve always put up with it before. My aunt Ginny died recently
and I came down here to sort out her stuff.’ She paused, not sure why she was
telling Libby all of this when they’d only just met, but the story was half out
now. She pulled the locket she was wearing over her head. It was antique silver
and the front was decorated with beads of sea glass. ‘This was in a box with my
name on it.’
She passed it to Libby and watched as she
opened it and read the inscription that she knew off by heart:
let anyone tell you your dreams aren’t good enough.
Libby smiled and passed it back.
‘I don’t know whether she had it specially
made for me or just found it and thought of me, but I knew she was right. I’d
been letting my parents dictate my life for far too long. Living down here had
always been a dream that I’d convinced myself would never happen. So I made
sure it did. I found a job and . . . here I am.’
‘Well, the people of the town are very
friendly, I’m sure they will make you very welcome,’ Libby said, finishing off
the doughnut and licking her fingers. ‘We’ll take you to the pub tonight,
introduce you to some of the locals.’
‘That would be great, thank you. I’ve only
met a few people so far and I didn’t exactly make the greatest impression on
the lighthouse keeper.’
‘Riley Eddison? You met him?’ Libby took
the proffered juice and followed Darcy into the lounge. Darcy threw herself
down on the sofa and tiny motes of dust flew up and sparkled in the light of
the late evening sun.
‘I swam out to Rose Island. I had no idea
anyone lived in the lighthouse. Let’s say the welcome was not a warm one.’
Libby sat next to her, resting her hand
protectively over her tiny bump. ‘Riley’s a funny one. He’s been here about six
months, moved into the lighthouse just after Christmas. He’s American and the
women seem to love his accent. Whenever Riley comes into town he’s like the
Pied Piper with the women that follow him around, though none of them get
anywhere with him. He’s terribly polite, has gorgeous manners, but keeps
himself to himself. He comes to the Bubble and Froth sometimes, sits in the
corner with his dog and doesn’t really talk to anyone. He’s never rude but not
exactly friendly either. George rescued Riley earlier this year when he slipped
on the rocks around the lighthouse, knocked himself unconscious and fell into
the sea.’
‘Oh God,’ Darcy gasped.
‘He was fine. Luckily the lifeboat crew
were nearby on a training exercise and George saw the whole thing happen and
they were able to get to him in record time. He gave a hefty donation to the
lifeboat station after that. He is Suzanna’s grandson, the lady from the
chemist. She’s fab but she tells it like it is, no beating around the bush,
though she keeps her cards very close to her chest about Riley. He was in the
local paper a month or so ago after he rescued a stray puppy from the sea, who
he then adopted. You could tell from the photo that the last thing he wanted
was the attention, whereas Suzanna couldn’t have been prouder.’
‘So he has a soft side?’
Libby pulled a face as she sipped her
juice. ‘I wouldn’t say soft, but some of his edges are perhaps not as hard as
he would like people to believe. So you two didn’t hit it off?’
‘Well, he came out of his lighthouse and
started shouting at me, so . . .’
‘I’ve never seen him lose his temper
before. He may be very quiet, but he’s definitely not the angry, nasty type.
What on earth did you do?’
That didn’t fill Darcy with a good
feeling. Five minutes in the town and she had pissed off a man who never got
angry. ‘I don’t know. I just swam out to the lighthouse, climbed up on the
rocks for a rest and the next thing he appears, waving his arms in the air like
a madman.’
‘Oh, I wonder if he was scared you might
hurt yourself on the rocks. After his fall, he had steps built into the rocks
round the back where he keeps his boat so it’s safer for him and any visitors
to traverse the rocks to the door.’
Had that been it? He was concerned for her
‘I feel really sorry for him, actually. He
must have spent thousands doing up the inside of the lighthouse with all the
new furniture I’ve seen being delivered over there. There were builders and
decorators coming and going for months when he first moved in. Anyway rumour
has it, two days after the final lick of paint had dried, he was served with
some kind of compulsory eviction notice. Rose Island Lighthouse is to be pulled
down – a new, more modern lighthouse has just been built a few hundred yards up
the coast on Dagger’s Point. At the moment he is refusing to leave, but he has
very little choice.’
‘That’s terrible, they can’t kick him out
of his home.’
‘Apparently, they can. I don’t know all
the ins and outs of it, but he has been told he has to leave. Oh, maybe he
thought you were one of the people trying to evict him.’
‘Unlikely when I turned up in a wetsuit
and with a fat dog in tow.’
Libby nodded to concede this, as she
glanced over at Ben lying upside down and snoring loudly on the opposite sofa.
‘Well, you’ll just have to go back and ask
him,’ Libby smiled, mischievously.
‘Maybe I should just leave him be. If me
being there upsets him so much, then maybe I should just find somewhere else to
‘Maybe you should go back and show him
that he can’t boss you around.’
Darcy laughed. ‘Are you trying to set me
up with him?’
Libby shrugged as she stood up. ‘I’m a
romance writer. I want everyone to find their happy-ever-afters, just like me
and George. Anyway, I’ll leave you to unpack. We’ll pick you up at seven and
take you to the pub then.’
Darcy nodded.
As the door closed behind Libby, Darcy
glanced over Silver Cove to Rose Island Lighthouse.
Maybe she would go back and apologise for
any misunderstanding. Then she shook her head. Maybe she really should just
leave well alone.
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