First Sentence Challenge (part 2)

So, on Monday my lovely friend Margo (livinginmyfantasy) joined me for a video collaboration.
We did a few challenges and one of them was the following one.
The First Sentence Challenge.
I posted part 1 last week. You can watch it here.

Want to find out who wins? You can now! This is the second part of the challenge ^^ Enjoy!

The rules:
One person reads the first sentence of a book, the other one tries to guess which book it is.
If it's guessed on the first sentence you get 3 points.
If it's guessed on the second sentence you get 2 points.
If it's guessed on the third sentence you get 1 point.
If it hasn't been guessed by then, you skip to the very last sentence of the book and if you guess it then you get 0,5 point.

Margo's channel:
Music:  McFly - Love is on the Radio (instrumental)
